AI hue & cry

I came across this today - no photographer needed, just upload 10 selfies and AI does the rest, inexpensive & quick.
A few things struck me about this; if it can create 200 headshots in 10 styles in 5 mins, the only reason it takes 90 mins to create 40 headshots in 2 styles is money - you're paying to remove the artificial speed restriction and as an added benefit you get quantity, the implication of course being that more is better.
The people I photograph don't want 200 portraits; they don't even want 40 portraits - what they do want is the perfect portrait and that perfect portrait is one that reflects the way they see themselves, an idealised version of them on their best of good days - the vision of themselves they have in their head made real.
I'm sure AI is a great solution for many people and good luck to them but that perfect portrait only comes about through interaction - you react to the photographer and they to you - and a portrait is a record of that interaction, that indefinable something that captures a fleeting moment from real life.
AI produces its portraits from pictures taken in the past but photographers produce portraits created in the moment from human interaction - as the great Herri Cartier-Bresson said:
“It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head."
"Meet the future masters of the human race!" Mr Burns