Mono tone

Warm & toned ... not the way I'm usually described

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Living the brand


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Where does the time go?

A decade is a long time in photography...

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Leaf it out

Iceberg ahoy!

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Body Heat

“There are two seasons in Scotland: June and winter.”

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

'Clothes make the man' but lighting sure helps...

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Under fire in Las Vegas!

You weren't there man, you don't know what it was was like...

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Bigger diggers!

Bauma 2022 Munich

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Fly Monkey Airlines

Better than swinging through the trees, yeah!

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It used to be 'Say cheese'

Photographers' apparel

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Amazing who you come across on the streets of Las Vegas

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Other photographers are available

I get by with a little help from my friends...

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Some men just want to watch the world burn

Catch on fire and people will come to see you burn - John Wesley

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Redheads redheads redheads

'Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead' Lucille Ball

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Get a grip

Tread carefully with this Bridgestone

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Lego me

Best. Present. Ever

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St Moritz Incident

Mountain Top Conflagration - Photographer on Hand

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Raymond Chandler

'Dead men are heavier than broken hearts'

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Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore....

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Words of wisdom

All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth - Richard Avedon

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22nd April 2007

Marathon Man

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Two wheels good

The Great Escape

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Where to, Guv?

Taxi Driver

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The Greatest Small Country in the World, and here's why

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London was his town, and it always would be

London has been home for more than half my life - here's why it's the place to be

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Road to Morocco

Me and Orson Welles

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